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Homeland Security Intelligence at a Crossroads : The Office of Intelligence and Analysis Vis... by United States. Congress. Ho... ISBN: 9781234088989 List Price: $14.14
Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act of 1978 Amendments Act Of 2008 by United States. ISBN: 9781234085940 List Price: $14.14
Overview of the United States Intelligence Community for the 111th Congress by U.S. Government ISBN: 9781234095420 List Price: $14.14
Gao Insights into Security Clearance Reform : Hearing Before the Subcommittee on Intelligenc... by United States. Congress. Ho... ISBN: 9781234094317 List Price: $19.99
Report of the Defense Science Board Advisory Group on Defense Intelligence, Operations Resea... by United States. Defense Scie... ISBN: 9781234093464 List Price: $19.99
Tactical Intelligence : Joint STARS full-rate production decision was premature and Risky by United States. Accounting ... ISBN: 9781234102388 List Price: $14.14
Dod Civilian Personnel : Intelligence Personnel System incorporates Safeguards by United States. Government ISBN: 9781234132385 List Price: $19.99
Homeland Security Intelligence : Its relevance and Limitations by United States. Congress. Ho... ISBN: 9781234135720 List Price: $19.99
Providing for Consideration of the Bill to Authorize Appropriations for Fiscal Year 2010 for... by United States. Congress. Ho... ISBN: 9781234135010 List Price: $14.14
Information Technology : U. S. Postal Service Needs to Strengthen System Acquisition and Man... by United States. Government ISBN: 9781234134563 List Price: $19.99
Annual Threat Assessment of the U S Intelligence Community : Hearing before the Permanent Se... by United States. Congress. Ho... ISBN: 9781234141172 List Price: $19.99
Fbi Intelligence Investigations : Coordination Within Justice on Counterintelligence Crimina... by United States. Accounting ... ISBN: 9781234169138 List Price: $19.99
Authorizing Appropriations for Fiscal Year 2002 for Intelligence and Intelligence-Related Ac... by United States. Congress. Se... ISBN: 9781234168322 List Price: $14.14
Executive Office of the President : Procedures for acquiring access to and safeguarding inte... by United States. Accounting ... ISBN: 9781234174507 List Price: $14.14
Report of Investigation : Improper handling of classified information by John M. Deutch (199... by United States. Central Inte... ISBN: 9781234172817 List Price: $19.99
Intelligence Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2002 : Conference Report (to Accompany H. R. ... by United States. Congress (10... ISBN: 9781234177591 List Price: $14.14
To Authorize Appropriations for Fiscal Year 2003 for Intelligence and Intelligence-Related A... by United States. Congress. Se... ISBN: 9781234185572 List Price: $14.14
Internal Controls over Sensitive Compartmented Information Access for Selected Field Intelli... by United States. Dept. Of Ene... ISBN: 9781234045135 List Price: $14.14
Congressional Notification : Intelligence community policies, Practices by United States. Congress. Ho... ISBN: 9781234057022 List Price: $14.14
Annual Threat Assessment Hearing : Hearing before the Permanent Select Committee on Intellig... by United States. Congress. Ho... ISBN: 9781234055387 List Price: $19.99
Legal Perspectives on Congressional Notification : Hearing Before the Subcommittee on Intell... by United States. Congress. Ho... ISBN: 9781234055400 List Price: $19.99
Joint Inquiry into Intelligence Community Activities Before and after the Terrorist Attacks ... by United States. Congress. Se... ISBN: 9781234064044 List Price: $90.88
U S Postal Service : Intelligent mail benefits may not be achieved if key risks are not Addr... by United States. Government ISBN: 9781234117290 List Price: $14.14
over-Classification and Pseudo-Classification Pt I, II , and III : Hearing before the Subcom... by United States. Congress. Ho... ISBN: 9781234120092 List Price: $20.86
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